As the summer grows nigh, we quickly approach the beginning of a marvelous journey into higher education, college life, international relations, and environmental studies. And what better place to do so than where "the wind of freedom blows": Stanford University, a school with more than 50 Nobel Prize recipients and a pine tree as a mascot. A group of students are about to embark upon an adventure at one of the most beautiful, respected, and significant sources of breakthrough research and intellectual innovation in the world. This is the place to stay up with all the exciting news at the Leadership Academy at Stanford! Stay tuned! Much, much more to come!
Regarded as one of the world's leading research & teaching institutions, Stanford is also a pioneer in its effort to reduce environmental impact, preserve resources & show sustainability in action |
Main Entrance to the School via Palm Drive |
Main Quad, located in the heart of the Stanford University campus |
Bicycles are by far the most popular mode of transportation on campus |